Volume 13 - Special Issue on Human Rights and Citizenship Rights                   MLJ 2019, 13 - Special Issue on Human Rights and Citizenship Rights: 293-308 | Back to browse issues page

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of Persian Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran
Background and Aim: The system of social ethics in any society expresses the particular ethical behavior of its members, which can be influenced by the views of thinkers, theorists and poets in that society. Accordingly, the main purpose of the present study is to investigate the social ethics system from the point of view of Rumi and Shahriar, who are two of the most famous poets of Iran in past and contemporary age.
Materials and Methods: According to the approach of the present study, using the main sources and texts of poets such the mathnawi of Jalalu'adin Rumi and shahriar book of poems as the basis of the present discussion, it has been on the agenda. Accordingly, the approach of this study is a descriptive-analytical one that is done by qualitative method and considers the viewpoint of social ethics in rumi and Shahriar's thought.
Findings: From rumi point of view, social ethics is achieved not by exclusion or homogeneity, but by the consideration of all social classes. Rumi, therefore, is advocate of pluralism while still being unitarianism, which embraces divine unity by embracing different ideas. Social ethics in Shahriar's thought is based on the cleansing and refinement of the incompatible elements of modernity and industrialization, as well as attention to the ethical challenges of contemporary humankind that refinement is achieved with return to ancient traditions.
Conclusion: Rumi's social thought is based on a pluralistic acceptance of different beliefs, views, religions and tendencies that in turn, is a support for the peaceful life of man. It is therefore highly compatible with the Communitarian school approach. Shahriar's social thought can be achieved on the basis of a return to the ancient national and Islamic traditions and the patterning of the infallible Imams, which is more consistent with the Islamic ideological school as well as with critical thinkers in rejecting and criticizing the elements of modernity. At the same time, the scope of Rumi's social ethics is much broader than Shahriar social ethics system.

Please cite this article as: Shadigo SH. The System of Social Ethics from the Viewpoint of Rumi and Shahriar. Iran J Med Law, Special Issue on Human Rights and Citizenship Rights 2019; 293-308.
Type of Study: Original Article |
Received: 2019/05/23 | Accepted: 2019/09/4

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