Volume 8, Issue 28 (Spring 2014)                   MLJ 2014, 8(28): 143-166 | Back to browse issues page

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Telemedicine meaning long-distance medicine is one of the ways to provide health care services that takes place using technology and modern equipment. Telemedicine includes services such as telecouncil, teleradiology and telesurgery. Providing telemedicine services to patients is required their informed consent on the delivery of services, the method of treatment and its rate risk. Telemedicine service providers are either physicians or medical centers. When these services are provided by physicians patients` party is for example a physician who takes his council, and internet and online treatment, and the physicians` liability occurs either in the form of contractual liability resulting from fails to perform of contractual obligation or tortious liability resulting from his negligence. In contrast, when services such as telesurgery is provided to the patient, medical center when the surgery will be offered, patients` party. Although in this assumption, we do not imagine a contractual relationship between patient and remote physician, but liability of medical errors is based on some principles like superior respond eat, apparent agency and vicarious liability.

Type of Study: Review Article |
Received: 2013/06/12 | Accepted: 2014/04/6

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