Volume 1, Issue 1 (Summer 2007)                   MLJ 2007, 1(1): 25-74 | Back to browse issues page

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Bioethics has made an amazing progress since the half of the past half-century and it has increasingly disclosed the details of the body and the mind’s function. On the one hand, these progresses are promising in development in treatment and human pains and on the other hand they raise considerations about how to use and the application of this science, the science and the knowledge which is useful in treatment and can be used in non-medical purposes, including improvement of the humankind or even to change the human’s nature. Furthermore these changes will be transferred from one generation to another. The opportunity and the crisis hidden under this progress, has attract many attention. It has been years that the bioethics’ conceptshas been considered in different references and cliques and has increasingly attracted the public’s attention. Human cloning is one of the remarkable concepts of biological science and the ethical, philosophic and religious aspects of it have been considered. In the present study, the issue of Human Cloning will be investigated from the International Law point of view.

Received: 2007/06/24 | Accepted: 2007/09/6

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