Volume 5, Issue 17 (Summer 2011)                   MLJ 2011, 5(17): 141-171 | Back to browse issues page

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Therapeutic abortion is referred to the end of pregnancy, before the fetus could maintain living outside the mother’s body in order to protect the mother's health, or due to disease or fetal deficiencies. The researches about the abortion show that there is a direct relation between the legality of the abortion and the low death rate of women caused by criminal miscarriages, but with the ratification of the Therapeutic Abortion Act and the issuance of permission in maternal and fetal diseases that would bother the mother, a basic development occurred in the area of therapeutic abortion.

Notwithstanding, many cases of unwanted pregnancies have been ignored for various reasons in the current Act and this reveals the necessity for the examination of different dimensions of the issue.

As there have been different practices in respect of therapeutic abortion in different countries, now it is the time that our legislature place many women victimized by the sexual crimes under its legal, hygienic and social protection.

Received: 2011/06/16 | Accepted: 2011/08/22

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