Volume 3, Issue 11 (Winter 2009)                   MLJ 2009, 3(11): 101-130 | Back to browse issues page

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Unwanted pregnancy is one of the important public health issues in the world which will cause a lot of worriness and stress for mother, wife and possibly for the child if pregnancy continues for a period of time. Unintended pregnancies account for 34 percent of all cases of pregnancy in Iran with 16 percent as unwanted and 18 percent mistimed. There is no certain rate regarding induced and unsafe abortion in Iran annually, an estimated 73000 induced abortions are performed by married women who are illegal and unsafe. Unsafe abortion is now considered as a problem of women’s health, the subject of public health and women’s rights. Therefore, preventing unsafe abortion and its consequences are considered as executive and research priorities. This review article is compiled and written based on a literature review, the guidelines presented by WHO and International Federation of Family Planning. The aim of this article is to study the subject of induced abortion of the fetus in Iran and existing challenges to familiarize rhetoricians and legislators to change the viewpoints in this regard on one hand, and to pave the way to remove the dilemmas and to prevent the increasing rate of unsafe abortions with presenting solutions. A decree cannot be issued without paying attention to basic and valuable beliefs of a society regarding an issue, nor can right decisions be made while disregarding the necessaries arisen from the facts of individual and collective lives in the contemporary world. Therefore, the verdicts of religious scholars and lawful licenses regarding abortion in hardship and obligation before infusion the soul make the logical and flexible revision of related Acts so necessary that they can meet the updated needs of society.

Received: 2009/09/27 | Accepted: 2009/12/7

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