Volume 15, Issue 56 (4-2021)                   MLJ 2021, 15(56): 365-381 | Back to browse issues page

XML Persian Abstract Print

1- Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran
2- Departmen of International law, Payame Noor University of Garmsar, Semnan, Iran
3- Department of Theology Student_Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic law, Mahallat Branch, Azad University, Markazi, Iran
4- University of California, Los Angeles, California
Background and Aim: The right to health as an inherent right means that everyone has the right to the highest standard of physical and mental health, and this right includes all medical services, public health, adequate food and housing, a healthy work environment and a clean environment. includes. The main function of the health system and medical community of any country is to provide and provide the necessities of this field. Good logistics in providing medical supplies has a great impact on reducing costs and providing good health, medical and pharmaceutical services in ensuring the right to health of citizens.
Materials and Methods: For this purpose, the present study has studied this issue in depth by using analytical-descriptive method and inferential approach.
Results: Findings from the study indicate that since the optimal provision of medical supplies has a direct impact on achieving the goals of the health system and ensuring the right of citizens to health, a good logistics study on the goals of the health system can improve health system policy makers in providing services. Therapeutic help.
Ethical considerations: In this Research it has been Written From the Beginning to the End, Relying on Moral Principles, Trustworthiness and Honesty.
Conclusion: The main function of the health system and medical community of any country is to provide and provide the necessities of this field. The health system of any country, in order to ensure and guarantee the possibility of a healthy life, is obliged to anticipate measures in a large field in the field of medicine, some of which require immediate action and others must be done over time. The supply of medical equipment and supplies has become an integral part of hospitals. Good logistics in providing medical supplies has a great impact on reducing costs and providing good health, medical and pharmaceutical services in ensuring the right to health of citizens. However, the medical community does not apply a systematic and codified method in the field of optimal logistics. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the issues related to this area regarding the effect of optimal logistics on the supply of medical supplies.

Cite this article as: Ellahi H, Kamaei A, Safaei A, Sharafi Rad E. The role of good logistics in providing medical supplies in order to protect the right to health through the medical community. Medical Law Journal 2021; 15(56): e22.
Type of Study: Original Article |
Received: 2020/11/19 | Accepted: 2021/03/8

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