Volume 4, Issue 12 (Spring 2010)                   MLJ 2010, 4(12): 149-167 | Back to browse issues page

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This writing tries to present a new approach of Iranian Boisafety Act (2009) in the light of rules and principles governing on legal interpretation and mechanisms of criminal law. This approach echoes a bilateral view on Iranian Biosafety Act 2009. In one hand it is tried to analyze how contents of this Act should be analyzed through considering mechanisms related to technologies stipulated in the Act and in the other hand, crimes related to biotechnology will be reviewed. It seems that criminal policy intends to approve an Act entitled Biosafey Act at any price without necessary consideration of legal rules and concerns so that Iranian nationals think that the interior Act is in line with international documents in the field of biosafety at the first hand. Nevertheless, it is worth considering that ignoring effects on Iranian Biosafety Act (2009) arisen from legal demands are in contrast with the soul of this Act and causes the Act to be waned in practice. Accordingly, the dominance of technical teachings on obligatory legal principles has one consequence: Lawyers' interpretations with those of experts in biosafety have made the aim considered by Iranian legislator obscure.

Received: 2010/01/5 | Accepted: 2010/04/17

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