Volume 14, Issue 52 (Spring 2020)                   MLJ 2020, 14(52): 191-208 | Back to browse issues page

XML Persian Abstract Print

of Law and Political Science, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding author)
Transfusion medicine, which involves taking blood from the donor to the stage after the blood transfusion to the recipient and the subsequent care of him/her, is presented as one of the most innovative ways in modern medicine in the world and with the new dimensions of its therapeutic and therapeutic applications, are faced with ambiguity, overview and morelegal and ethical gaps in this field. One of the most important challenges is the value of blood transfusion services by the blood transfusion organization as the sole competent authority for the procurement, production, and distribution of blood in Iran, due to the prohibition of the purchase and sale of blood and especially its relevance to the issue of human dignity has been studied by lawyers and jurists, therefore, the approach of different countries to supply the blood and blood products due to the lack of and the need for safety and blood safety are different and different dimensions of blood donation, especially the ethical dimension, are in conflict between lawyers and jurists due to the profitability and consequently its value and the effects of blood transfusion medicine on the lack of preparation, production, distribution and transfusion of healthy blood, along with adherence to the standards for blood transfusion. Has taken On the other hand, the need for compensation and management of blood and blood products deficiency by the blood transfusion organization as the sole competent authority for the procurement, production and distribution of blood in the country is to provide safe and safe blood transfusion services due to the huge cost of these services Due to the huge cost of these services as well as the necessity of managing the production, supply and distribution of healthy blood, the evaluation for these services are justified by reference to public order and legitimacy based on necessity, provided that these services are firstly insured, and secondly, Valuing these services is not a pretext for commodity and blood trade and its products.

Please cite this article as: Ommi A. Economic Efficiency of Transfusion Medicine Law. Iran J Med Law 2020; 14(52): 211-228.
Type of Study: Original Article |
Received: 2018/04/9 | Accepted: 2019/06/6

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