Volume 12, Issue 44 (Spring 2018)                   MLJ 2018, 12(44): 117-141 | Back to browse issues page

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Since 2010, with the amendment to the Counter Narcotics and Psychotropic Substance Act, the change in the legal approach to addicts was considered to be a form of illness and the criminal offense was abandoned. The abandonment of this criminal title has been conditional on the use of one of the prosecution alternatives as suspension of prosecution, according to which the pursuit of a person stops on condition of the treatment of addiction within a specified period. A judicial authority can, for one time, receive a suspensive suspension for six months and addict to one of the centers of the subject matter by obtaining adequate funding and a commitment to provide evidence of the issue of addiction abandonment. The centers are required to provide a monthly report to the judiciary or its representative on the treatment process of the addict. If the treatment is approved and the addiction withdrawn, the prosecutor shall issue the archives and, otherwise, proceed in accordance with the provisions of this article. Extension of the deadline the subject matter of this Note is permissible at the request of the relevant centers for a further period of three months. This legislative approach, as an important development, gave rise to a criminal law approach to addicts. In this regard, it is important that, within six years after the adoption of this law, how much of this "prosecution" institution is used by judicial authorities and how many of these successfully used to treat addicted persons have become. In this regard, by assessing the validity of this suspension, along with the pathology of this institution and the practical application of it, we will strive to provide solutions, solutions and practices that can, by eliminating practical challenges, more effective treatment Drug and psychotropic drug addicts.

Please cite this article as: Ashouri M, Ebrahimi E. Judicial Legislative Approach of Application of Pursuit Suspension toward Addicts. Iran J Med Law 2018; 12(44): 117-141.
Type of Study: Original Article |
Received: 2017/03/1 | Accepted: 2018/02/21

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