Volume 3, Issue 10 (Autumn 2009)                   MLJ 2009, 3(10): 119-141 | Back to browse issues page

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Vatankhah R. Unlawful Occupation to Medical and Pharmaceutical Professions. MLJ 2009; 3 (10) :119-141
URL: http://ijmedicallaw.ir/article-1-458-en.html


Some of human needs are unique and unavoidable. Doubtless, medical and pharmaceutical need is one of the most important among all such needs. In the past, people dealt with such professions merely based on their personal eager, interests, and ability and doing these kinds of jobs didn’t need any special certificate or expertise. Never the less, nowadays dealing with the matters of this kind not only needs academic educations but there are some codified provisions which should be observed by graduates due to the developments in human societies and individuals' lives, increasing expansion of centers for different sciences and establishing scientific centers such as schools and universities. The graduates of medical and pharmaceutical fields are obliged to meet lawful terms and needs and also should be legally competent to deal with professions in these fields. They should receive official license for such occupations. Otherwise all their occupations will be rendered as unlawful. Nowadays, these provisions in the most of Islamic countries are bonding. Those who deal with medical and pharmaceutical professions without any license have criminal and civil liability regardless of having necessary education or expertise. Iran is not an exception to this rule and unlawful occupation in these fields has criminal characteristics and offenders will be convicted to punishments considered in statutes. Furthermore, repetition of such crimes causes severe punishment for offenders.

Received: 2009/06/7 | Accepted: 2009/07/27

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