Volume 14, Issue 55 (Winter 2020)                   MLJ 2020, 14(55): 277-304 | Back to browse issues page

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Ketabi Z, Jafari Harandi M. The Realm of Innocence and Damages from the Perspective of Practical Principles and Rules Governing the Responsibility of Physicians in the Subject Law of Iran. MLJ 2020; 14 (55) :277-304
URL: http://ijmedicallaw.ir/article-1-1199-en.html
1- Department of Jurisprudence and Principals of Islamic Law, Yadegar-e-Imam Khomeini (RAH) Share Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2- Department of Jurisprudence and Principals of Islamic Law, Yadegar-e-Imam Khomeini (RAH) Share Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding Author)
In the issues related to practical principles and in the field of communication with obligatory rulings, many issues have been raised by fundamentalists, but status and legal rulings have been less discussed. It should be noted that in the current society, some issues are encountered that are challenging.It is as if the principles of practice have been applied to a matter and a ruling has been issued in a way that is related to the rights of individuals. In fact, the execution of a sentence by the obligor, the legislator or social legitimacy is based on practical principles, and after issuing the sentence, it is discovered that the requirement of the principle was contrary to the fact, and therefore we must see what the answer is. This issue, in addition to the responsibility of physicians in the valley of practical principles and the legal realm that indicates it, due to the inherent importance hidden in the case of practical principles, has been deeply explored in the current research in an analytical-descriptive manner. The results of the study indicate that medicine has long been considered a vital profession and these physicians, as people with social status, have always been trusted by the public. Also, the importance of the position and vitality of physicians' activities has increased the scope of their responsibilities. Based on this importance, jurisprudence, in regulating the physician-patient relationship, has tried to make the treatment process the best it can be, although the obligations and rights of each party to the relationship have been determined in order to provide supportive, vital activities. Include medicine and on the other hand prevent any kind of abuse or abuse of the patient and doctor's possible rights. Therefore, as long as no court documents are presented against the physician in connection with the infliction of damages on the patient, the law has counted the acquittal of the physician so that he is not responsible for compensating the losses, and therefore the procedure of practical principles speaks for itself.

Please cite this article as: Ketabi Z, Jafari Harandi M. The Realm of Innocence and Damages from the Perspective of Practical Principles and Rules Governing the Responsibility of Physicians in the Subject Law of Iran. Iran J Med Law 2021; 14(55): 277-304.
Type of Study: Original Article |
Received: 2020/08/31 | Accepted: 2020/10/26

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