Volume 8, Issue 28 (Spring 2014)                   MLJ 2014, 8(28): 105-115 | Back to browse issues page

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Nasiri M. The patient’s rights in using blood products. MLJ 2014; 8 (28) :105-115
URL: http://ijmedicallaw.ir/article-1-207-en.html

In a case named “hemophiliha”, the society has observed that because of not separating legal duties and obligations of the related systems, the patients of the case suffered from some irreparable physical and mental damages. So, there is no doubt that in order to provide more support for the patients, it is inevitable to legislate comprehensive regulations by the legislative power for all the fields and especially for blood products. And it is so clear that the society can achieve this goal easily in this way. One of these regulations is the act regarding duties and authorities of the institutions providing blood products such as Ministry of Health and Medical Sciences, Blood Transfer organization and etc. This question is always posed that what are the legal duties of the related organizations? How are their civil liabilities? Is there really any duty overlap among the mentioned organizations and is it necessary to modify the related acts? And basically what legal solutions are there to prevent similar occurrences? In this article, by considering legal authorities’ ideas and analyzing the subject legally, the author tries to find an appropriate respond for the mentioned questions and offer some solutions for providing legal support for these patients.

Type of Study: Review Article |
Received: 2013/05/7 | Accepted: 2014/04/15

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