Volume 14, Issue 55 (Winter 2020)                   MLJ 2020, 14(55): 141-174 | Back to browse issues page

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Aziz S M, Khani M, Ardameh M. Jurisprudencial and Legal Challenges of Testicular and Ovarian Transplantation and Its Consequences. MLJ 2020; 14 (55) :141-174
URL: http://ijmedicallaw.ir/article-1-700-en.html
1- at Teology Faculty of Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran
2- of Islamic Azad University, Neyshaboor Branch, Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding author)
3- of Khorasan Hawzah, Lecturer at Hawzah and University, Mashhad, Iran
Infertility treatment is a problem that has opened new windows in the medical sciences and since the conventional methods of infertility treatment such as and Alternative and from the religious point of view, it seems to have some drawbacks, whichseems to have to be considered for the continuation of infertility treatmentwork. The progress of progress in the field of medicine and the problems with itin the field of jurisprudence is such that it has to review new methods andtherapeutic innovation in order to find scientific solutions based on theprinciples and principles of jurisprudence. From the legal and legal point ofview of the link of reproductive power plants as regards to its role in infertilitytreatment, it deserves a serious look. this method of experimental therapy inmedical centers, even in the west, is undergoing the importance of attention to this issue is that the preservation of thegeneration for the Homo sapiens, as well as the improvement and health oftheir lives, may cause severe psychological and psychological harm to thewife, couple or both and may sometimes lead to divorce - which is a majorsocial harm and is considered the most controversial of sacred theology. The need for testicular and ovarian transplantation, the examination and explanation of the legal and legal bases of the license and the lack of authorization and the effects and achievement of this type of coupling for couples, testicular and ovarian hyperstimulation as the main organ of the body, thus resulting in a born child, a legitimate child. According to which all the legal and legal rights and duties of the parent towards the child and the child towards the parents, such as the child's origin, the veracity of the will for this type of carriage, the responsibility of the parents against the acts and behaviors of the children and the enjoyment of the children of the benefits Alimony, surname, right of residence, right to citizenship and... Make a difference.

Please cite this article as: Aziz SM, Khani M, Ardameh M. Jurisprudencial and Legal Challenges of Testicular and Ovarian Transplantation and Its Consequences. Iran J Med Law 2021; 14(55): 141-174.
Type of Study: Original Article |
Received: 2020/03/2 | Accepted: 2020/08/13

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