Assistant professor of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Sacrifice has been an ancient ritual of pre-monotheistic religions; performed to please the gods. Over the ages, sacrifice has always been of interest and “human” sacrifice has replaced the "animal sacrifice.” Humans performed sacrifice to escape the misfortunes and disasters. However, today, sacrifice (victim) does not only refer to those that have been killed, but also to those who suffer from loss as a result of a shocking event or a trauma. The most important forms of sacrifice in the present century are the casualties and victims of war. The most important victims are the women and children who are the most vulnerable ones. Women are considered as the main victims of war because they are hurt more; both sexually and psychologically during the war. With reference to the events occurred during the war in Bosnia and Rwanda, this article elaborates on this issue, and as a practical solution, presents a general framework to support the women victimized during conflicts.
Please cite this article as: Norouzi N. Victimology or Victimization of the Women in War. Iran J Med Law 2017; 10(39): 61-75.
Type of Study:
Original Article |
Received: 2016/05/21 | Accepted: 2018/05/5