
AWT IMAGE Journal of Medical Law (Scientific Research) is affiliated to the Iran’s Association of Medical Law. The journal is released as a quarterly in Farsi with English abstract and presents related articles on medical law and interdisciplinary topics such as: patient rights, nursing rights, health law, pharmaceutical rights, medicinal intellectual property rights, psychiatry rights, Biotech rights And Paramedics rights.

It is possible that Researchers and experts, with regards for the principles and provisions mentioned in the Instructions for Authors, send their articles to the Journal’s electronic system for being published in future editions in case of review-approval. Evidently, the lack of the listed, will cause rejection, delay in the process of scientific reviews or publication of the received articles.

Journal of Medical Law owns scientific research values based on the registration number 124/325 given by Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance No. ISSN 2008-4390 dated 17 April 2006, document number 100/236 dated 16 May 2011 and provisions of the hundred and fifth session of the Commission on Medical Journals dated 23 April 2011. According to the ninth session of governance Council of ISC dated 8 February 2014, Journal of Medical Law received an impact factor (IF) and will be indexed in the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC).

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Medical Law Journal

2024، Volume 18، Number 59

Print ISSN: 2008-4390

Online ISSN: 2476-7158

Director-in-Charge: Dr. Mahmoud Abbasi

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Mahmoud Abbasi

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Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2024، Volume 18، Number 59
  • Print ISSN: 2008-4390
  • Online ISSN: 2476-7158
  • Director-in-Charge: Dr. Mahmoud Abbasi
  • Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Mahmoud Abbasi
  • Publisher: Dr. Mahmoud Abbasi
  • Official Organ of Iranian Scientific Association of Medical Law

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