Volume 16, Issue 57 (4-2022)                   MLJ 2022, 16(57): 35-50 | Back to browse issues page

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Hamed Tavassoli O, Shafe M S. The Evolution of Intellectual Developments around the Legalization of Euthanasia in the World. MLJ 2022; 16 (57) :35-50
URL: http://ijmedicallaw.ir/article-1-1504-en.html
1- Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Background and Aim: For the past three decades, what is known as the "Right to Death Movement" has had significant achievements in some countries? Indeed, despite religious and non-religious opposition to euthanasia, Western legal systems has, one after the other used the criterion of patient autonomy alongside the criterion of compassion for patients to assist in the irreversible path of accepting euthanasia. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the trajectory of the intellectual evolution towards euthanasia among its proponents and opponents by looking at the Sharia-oriented and secular intellectual traditions.
Methods: The research method in this article was descriptive-analytical. The information has been obtained through the library research method and by referring to domestic and foreign books and articles.
Ethical Considerations: Throughout the present study, scientific integrity and fidelity have been fully observed.
Results: The general impression presented from the study of the above-mentioned trajectory is that human thought in the Western tradition has gradually shown more empathy and agreement with euthanasia and has moved from opposing it to agreeing and accepting it. The Islamic tradition, although slower, has taken the first steps toward accepting euthanasia.
Conclusion: Euthanasia is not acceptable only by the criterion of autonomy and it is necessary to consider other legal, philosophical and moral criteria in addition to this one. This is why many philosophers consider the existence of at least two criteria simultaneously to justify euthanasia. The criterion of human autonomy along with the criterion of compassion for the unbearable suffering of patients.

Please cite this article as:

Hamed Tavassoli O, Shafe MS. The Evolution of Intellectual Developments around the Legalization of Euthanasia in the World. Medical Law Journal. 2022; 16(57): e3.
Type of Study: Original Article |
Received: 2021/10/12 | Accepted: 2022/02/24

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