From old time the penalty of custody had been existed in human societies. According to the theory of rehabilitation prison is considered as convict’s clinic (infirmary).but now because of the defeat of this theory using prison for controlling and excommunicating dangerous convicts is more usual. Whatever function of prison is human rights of prisoners should be observed. One of the most important of them is the right related to their health and mental and physical hygiene.
Giving hygienic services to convicts is more important because prison is a convenient place for contagious and infectious illnesses because of unfavorable environment like: crowd, violence, light and fresh air dearth. Malnutrition and risky works such as abusing drugs, tattoo, and unhealthy sexual relationships. A large number of convicts are addicted .there are different ideas about this issue that an addict is an ill person or a convicted one. In accordance with internal laws an addict is an offender as soon as his disuse and cures himself.
If we consider the function of jail as a place for rehabilitation its accessories should be afforded. Otherwise prison has bad effects on offender’s health. Since addicts are more probable for physical and mental injuries among prisoners, they need more attention. It seems that with regard to addicts special situation prisons are not suitable places for keeping addicts. But in fact more of the addicts are in prisons and on the basis of prisons organization reports distribution and use of drugs are prevalent issues .this article is going to study mental-hygienic rights and medical education rights of prisoners with a super attention to addicts and with relying on prisons organization and security and corrective measures regulation and international documents such as RMT (. Authors are trying to suggest legal-medic methods for convicts health approving and their cure in general and specially for addicts .among this suggestion we can name :detachment prisoners, keeping and curing prisoners stricken to mental and contagious and dangerous illnesses separately, assembling more light and fresh air, holding instructs through duties for medic cadre of prison and for prisoners, activating the aid units, psychologist and psychiatrist for mental vulnerable specially addicted to Psychoactive drugs and crystals, methadone therapy and medicine therapy and giving syringe to addicts who inject.
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